As a Songbird user, I want to see the contact name whatever I have recorded his number with international code in it or not
Zendesk Ticket IDs
Clément Bourgeois October 15, 2019 at 9:38 PM
Sebastien Update:
Class 4 also has this normalization problem, and from what I know, class 4 already does phone number normalization. Maybe @clement you should talk with @mwolff44, who probably has some infos to share also
in songbird, we must be able to match and dial all the phone numbers that we get, including external numbers that are stored in the call logs
Clément Bourgeois October 15, 2019 at 5:38 PM
Title: Add a localisation to an engine
Localisation includes:
Time zone for call log
Include time zone into engine is asked by partner to have a time zoned call log
Songbird have to know the time zone of the engine from which it display call log in order to adapt it to the time zone of the user
Call number format (ex: +33 for France)
It will help to well format incoming and outgoing number and then find the right contact to display
Clément Bourgeois October 11, 2019 at 2:58 PM
The real goal is to be able to display most of the time the contact name, whatever it is format +33 or not
Zendesk Support
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Zendesk Support

I am connected to Songbird
I have many source of contacts (personnal, google, O365, CSV)
My contact number are recorded with AND without internationnal code in it (+33 FR, +1 US/CA)
I call a number (or receive a call) that “should” match one of my contact
Exemple 1 EN / Sortant:
Contact “Justin Trudeau” which recorded number into personnal/wazo phonebook is “+1 418 802 4312”
When I call 418 508 4312, display it name
Exemple 2 FR / Entrant:
Contact “Emmanuel Macron” which recorded number into Google is “+33 1 55 92 26 92”
When I receive a call from 01 55 92 26 92, display it name
Display the name of this contact
It should be also working for contact recorded into the mobile phone for Songbird Mobile
From France Canada : +1 or 001
From Canada to France : +33 or 01133
Please note that Mathias is working on Standardization on a connexe subject
This task is to analyse and prepare the development to achieve this need